Publisert: 30.04.06

Project Manager - product implementation

See attached document. Please send your application with CV and other relevant documents, quoting reference "6131/Project Manager - product implementation", by 30 april 2006 to Nordea, HR Services, PO Box 850, 0900 Copenhagen C, Denmark or [email protected] For additional information please contact Head of Financial & Product Control Bjørn Jacobsen on [email protected]

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What do you think of when you hear the name Nordea? It's just a bank, but we are also so much more. You can find a wealth of exciting opportunities within Scandinavia's largest financial group. As part of our team, you can work with major international corporations or the local entrepreneur. 

We are also a bank than values customer relations, and our focus is set firmly on the people who use our services. That is why we are committed to promoting both personal and professional development employees. 

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