Publisert: 25.05.23

Master’s thesis opportunity: Artificial Intelligence & Pareto Securities

Want to make a real impact in shaping the future of investment banking?

At Pareto Securities, we continuously strive to provide our clients and investors with innovative and creative financing solutions and investment opportunities. As the world is rapidly changing, we need to work on shaping the future of investment banking with the use of technology. That’s why we invite talented students to write their master’s thesis in collaboration with us, focusing on the utilisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within finance. We are eager to explore how AI can help us to stay at the forefront of the industry!

We are interested in your ideas on how AI can be applied to assist us in various areas, such as algorithmic trading, risk management, operational efficiency, financial forecasting, and beyond. We’re open to exploring any focus area you find interesting and want to work collaboratively to achieve the best possible outcome.


This is a unique opportunity to work alongside Pareto Securities with access to our employees, resources, data, software, and expertise network. We will help you define scope, refine your work, guide you to navigate the complexities of finance and AI and provide you with valuable feedback. This opportunity also allows you to meet Pareto Securities employees and gain insights into our way of working.


We welcome applications from master's students in economics or finance who plan to write their master’s thesis during 2023 or 2024. You have strong academic results and a genuine interest in finance and technology.  Furthermore, excellent quantitative and analytical skills, as well as a commercial mindset, are essential.

We welcome both individual applicants and groups of up to three. If you are writing your thesis as a group, please submit a joint application.


The application should include a CV, cover letter and transcripts from higher education and upper secondary school. The cover letter should be no more than 500 words and focus on why you/ your team should be granted this opportunity.

The application deadline is set for the 30th of June, 2023.

Om Pareto Securities AS

Pareto Securities er en investeringsbank i Pareto Gruppen. Vi er Norges ledende aktør innen aksje- og obligasjonsmegling og finansiell rådgivning.

Hovedkontoret vårt ligger i Oslo, men vi har også kontorer i Stavanger, Stockholm, Malmö, Helsinki, København, London, Frankfurt, Zürich, New York, Houston, Singapore og Perth. Pareto Securities jobber mot et bredt spekter av industrier, men med hovedfokus på sterke norske bransjer som olje & offshore, sjømat og shipping. I nordisk sammenheng er Pareto Securities AS en ledende aktør innen prosjektfinansiering av eiendom.

Pareto Securities er en dynamisk organisasjon med store muligheter for personlig og faglig utvikling. Et av våre hovedmål er å raskt utvikle våre ansatte gjennom mye ansvar og givende arbeidsoppgaver. Våre medarbeidere er kunnskapsrike, dedikerte og engasjerte, og vårt arbeid verdsettes av et stort internasjonalt industri- og investormiljø.

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Mats Hjelmtvedt

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